

About Us

You may not realize that every employer in Illinois is required to train every employee annually regarding their obligations to keep sexual harassment out of the workplace. Karla Dobbeck helps employees meet this legal obligation by providing an interactive training seminar for employees, supervisory staff and upper management. This1.5 to 2-hour class has been developed using all of the information required by the State of Illinois. To further assist you in complying with current regulations, we'll also review your current anti-harassment and discrimination policy or write a new one for you.

Most HR issues arise because your management and supervisory staff don't have the knowledge they need to successfully manage staff. Our Fast Track Series will help them develop competencies in the art of selecting and integrating new staff, managing employees for better performance, track behavioral issues through discipline and set the stage termination when needed. Because we understand how adults learn, each class is only 2 hours in length and no more than 2 classes are offered on the same day. That way, you managers and supervisors are able to return to their duties quickly.

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Karla Dobbeck
HR Consulting & Training